Optimize your webiste

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is taking the proper steps to insure your webpages appears natural or organic in any given Search Engine Results Page (SERP) such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. The effectiveness of SEO may be measured by the position of a web site in the Search Engine Results Page when searching for a specific keyword. When done properly, SEO can have a dramatic effect on how your business is not only perceived by the search engines, it will also increase your positioning as a result of.


SEO is crucial to get traffic and maintain the level over the search engine. Search engine positioning plays a key role to gain quality traffic and increase revenues. The most important aspect of Search Engine Optimization is making your website easy for both users and search engines to understand. It also helps the search engines in figuring out what each page is all about and how it may be useful for the users. The basics of SEO are actually quite easy to understand and you should start it from your page level.

Remember, Content is King! keep some interesting and famous content on your site and name them properly like if any one searches Google it must be there with high priority. Content Optimization is the practice of creating content that is targeted to perform well for specific keyword searches. One way of doing this is by selecting the right keyword, the word or phrase that people would be most likely to enter into a search engine if they were looking for your content. If you really want to generate a heavy traffic through search engines, it is better to do a keyword research before you start writing.

You should create unique, accurate page titles for your content. A title tag tells both users and search engines what the topic of a particular page is. Remember always make each of your web-pages should ideally have a unique title tag, which helps search engines know how the page is distinct from the others on your site.

Description meta tags are important because some popular Search Engines might use them as snippets for your pages. Your page title may be a few words or a phrase, a page’s description meta tag might be a sentence or two or a short paragraph. The meta description tag is indented to be a brief and concise summary of your page’s content.

Website Structure

Another important aspects in SEO is that you should keep to Improving Site Structure. Your site’s structure determines whether a search engine understands what the topic of your site is and how easily it will find and index content relevant to your site’s purpose and intent. Also make sure your web-site is easier to navigate. Planning your URL structure to be keyword rich can help with ranking individual pages higher, and also aids users with orientation and navigation around the site. Creating internal links between the pages on your website offers a number of different SEO advantages.

You can optimize your images in the websites. The Alt tag is probably the most important image optimization factor. Alt stands for alternate text. The text in the alt tag is displayed in place of the image if the image can not be shown or is taking too long to load. The contents of the alt attribute provide information about the picture. You should provide Alt attribute to all your images in the websites.

Don’t Do

Always promote your website in the right ways. Avoid duplicate content, that means the content on your website should be unique from those of other sites on the web. Get links to your pages from other trusted websites. Never ever use cloaking, keyword stuffing, link farms, alt text spamming or other illegal methods. They might work for a short time if you are lucky, but you risk being penalized or even banned from search engines, which you do not want.