Popularaise your website

To make your website popular means that you need to get more visitors. You won’t get any traffic until the search engines crawl your website and index it. Basically you should work on various factors of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to get your site rank and traffic well in the search engines. If you have only just given your site to the search engines, it may be a few days before they index the site. You will know when they are indexed because you will be able to look up your own site in search results, and you will see a jump in visitors. It can take a week or more before you really start to show up in the search engines.

Website Content

Remember, Content is King! However, to get really large numbers of visitors, you need interesting content. The more interesting content your site is, the more people will visit. So keep some interesting and famous content on your site and name them properly like if any one searches Google it must be there with high priority.

Write Articles

There are lots of ways to bring visitors to your website, however probably the best free way is by writing articles. Write a couple of articles a day and post them on some High Page rank article directories and put a link to your website at the bottom of each article. This should get you some quality backlinks as well as get interested readers to follow the link back to your site.


Another way to get lot of traffic is that you need to get other more popular sites to link to your website, most search engines, and the main ones like Google all just crawl the internet looking for links that are more referenced from more popular sites


Blogging is one of the way you to get good traffic. This method is just like the article writing. You write what you want but good contents for your audience in blogs. The better you got, the more audience you get. You can also submit the same contents that you wrote in blogs in article directories. Also you can go to many social networks and place a link to your site on these websites, but that will still bring you very few visitors.

E-mail Marketing

You can use E-mail Marketing to promote your website and get more audience. Just promote your site to all your online contacts using e-mail. Write a good email that will attract your audience. If you got the contents right and able to convince your contacts , you are on your way to success.


You can advertise your websites in some other popular websites, TV, Radio, Papers, Leaflets etc. But it will cost you a lot of money.

Directory Submission

Finally, Directory Submission is specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. Making sure that the directories that you are submitting to are relevant and have a suitable category for your listing is crucial. Submitting your website to hundreds of directories with low Pagerank is just a waste of time. There are only a few worthwhile to submit for like DMOZ, Yahoo directory etc. It can drive some traffic as well as it can works as good backlinking. Choose wisely the list of best directories and then submit your site with great care. Following are some leading Web Directories in the World Wide Web.
