Link Colors

You can define Link Colors on individual links on the page or you can define all Links Colors on the page with a single line of cod

Here is an example of changing the Link Colors on individual links on the page.

HTML Source Code :

    <a href=""><font color="red">Click Here</font></a>

The above code will change the link color to Red from default link color Blue.

You can define Link Colors on all links on the page with a single line of code.

<body link="green">

The above code will change all links color in your webpage to Green.

In body tag you can set different stages of link colors.

<body link="red" vlink="green" alink="green">

Here there are three attributes on body tag, they are link , vlink and alink.

  1. link – standard link or un-visited link color
  2. vlink – visited link color
  3. alink – active link color