What is HTML

HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language, one of the document formats of the World Wide Web . HTML is responsible for telling a Web browser (Google’s Chrome , Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc.) how text and other objects in a Web Page should appear. It is a collection of instructions that you include along with pointers to your content in a text file that specifies how your Web Page should look and behave. A Web Page can contain many kinds of content, such as text, graphics, forms, audio and video files, interactive games etc.

HTML documents, also called Web pages, are the fundamental units of information organization and delivery on the World Wide Web. Since its initial introduction in late 1991, HTML has undergone many changes. It was first published as an Internet draft in 1993 and Mosaic was the first widely used browser for effectively browsing the Internet at that time. In 1995, released the first real HTML standard in the form of HTML 2.0. HTML 4.01 is the stable version, having been released in December 1999. HTML 5 is the newest specification for HTML, and many browsers are going to start supporting it in the future.

How to HTML

HTML is a straightforward language for describing a Web Page contents. HTML is not hard to learn, but it includes a lot of things in details. HTML files that generate Web pages are just text documents with .html or .htm file extensions . You can use any text editor to create or edit an HTML document as long as it can save your work on disk in text file format (e.g. Notepad). When you work with HTML, you need to test your Web Pages on as many different browsers as you can, because each web browser renders HTML a bit differently.